Friday, May 7, 2010

thoughts for today

 Some thoughts on condiments etc. Watched Dr Oz last night and he mentioned that mustard is lower in salt then ketchup, and that steak sauce is lower in sugar then either BBQ sauce or ...oops forgot the other one.

Here's what I do about salt. I very rarely add salt to cooking. I do add at the table. One little trick is to add only at the last bite. Something I look forward to. If I'm going to add salt to soup, I sprinkle a bit at the top and I don't stir. You'd be surprised at how salty each bite tastes because the salt which stays on top hits your taste buds right away.

Something a girl I knew long ago taught me. She was seeing a diet doctor. One of the weird things he had her do was brush her teeth after she ate meals snacks or otherwise. His theory was that taste lingeres in the mouth and it keeps your brain sending messages for more. By brushing right away, the taste leaves and the brain forgets about that great food. I've tried it when I ate food I was craving, before I was fully satisfied. Worked! If you ever try it let me know if it works.

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